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Modelling a sectional cut  at 1:50 across the auditorium showed how the structure and load paths worked, and how the different spaces related to each other. It highlighted some issues to further tailor the space to its function.


The section was taken from S-01.

poor spatial distribution



This space is too big for the requirements, and in relation to the auditorium which is a smaller volume as a result.


2. AUDITORIUM [pink]


This space does not have presence in the section, and is irregular in shape. In particular, the depth from stage to the back wall is not big enough. As the primary function of the building, more priority needs to be given. 


3. BACKSTAGE ACCESS [dark blue]


The only access to the stage is a narrow pathway. This is impractical for loading equipment on and off the stage.

lack of structural logic

1. ALIGNMENT [light pink]


As the new interior development will be concrete, walls should line up vertically to ensure that the load paths are consistent and that superfluous structure is not needed. 


2. OLD/NEW [dark pink]


Further issues are highlighted with an auditorium wall in front of the original. This takes away from the original structure, and is not needed. 




The raised stage means that the space between it and the first floor slab of the backstage is insufficient for access.

wall alignment
  • Aligning the rear walls reduces the volume of lighting box to an efficient level. It also widens the pathway on the first floor, which improves access to the balcony.​


  • Moving the stage into the extension means that the original wall is now celebrated in the scheme to provide contrast between old and new. 


  • The auditorium space as a result has an more substantial volume in the Essoldo.

1 3/4 height space
  • Moving the stage into the rear extension improves the loading access. Maintaining the 'stacked box' aesthetic poses an issue because the extension is only two stories.


  • To solve this, a 1 3/4 height space behind the stage allows for sufficient access to the stage. It also creates a third height [blue] to further the stacking effect. The first floor facilities then wrap around the space. 


The first iteration was not as dramatic as the original parti drawing.

The second iteration solves the poor interior access, however it also creates a much more dramatic form.

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