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This year, the brief asked students from across the entire school to look at how we might be living in the year 2080, particularly in regard to the development of Manchester's Oxford Road corridor. 


In an increasingly transparent world where everything is traceable online, privacy was a key driving theme in our concept. We also looked at how to harness the weather as a power supply, as well as injecting much needed green space. 


Our conclusion was that modular living pods would become the norm. Uniform in design, these could be built up into large structural towers on top of existing buildings to form new communities. Whilst they are grouped together, the pods are personal and private ensuring that individuality and privacy is not compromised. 


A communal greenway acts as a pedestrian highway and public garden. This elevates and separates people from the busy road below, freeing it up for quick efficient transport. Large Tesla towers harness power gathered by recycled rainwater, providing electricity for the future City of Manchester.


To see our full proposal poster, click here.

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