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This portfolio focuses mainly on my third and final undergraduate year at the Manchester School of Architecture. The diagram to the left maps out what I have learnt, and my journey through the year, from the beginning, to the completion of B-EAT.


For the full size diagram, click here.

As part of Focal Architecture's manifesto, my interests and approach focuses on social space and community regeneration. Restoring the Stretford Essoldo to this end has been a key aim of my project this year. 



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I have had an interest and a desire to become an Architect for as long as I remember. I would blame this on Lego - I had an obsession with building, and setting creative challenges.


My design philosophy has developed to consider the feeling of space and its impact on society. Good design is deserved by everyone and goes far beyond the walls of a building. With this at the forefront, I hope to design buildings and schemes which have a broader positive impact beyond the boundaries of a site.


Aside from architecture I have a fair few other interests. Recently, I have captained my university hockey team to  3rd place league finish. I have also undertaken charity and welfare work within the club, supporting Student Minds. This has been pioneering within the university sports community, and we were recently awarded Charitable Club of the Year from the university and were one of twelve who won the Tab's Society of the Year nationally,  all for the work we have done. 


The beach in the picture is my home of Jersey in the Channel Islands. Growing up by the sea, I love surfing and the outdoors. This has inspired a clothing brand - ACVD - which I launched earlier this year.

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